"QI" Quarter Inch Quilt Sets

In the "QI" Series - the contrast fabric is attached using either a stitch and flip or appliqué method
 AND - There is NO Outside Satin Edge on any of the panels, be they be borders, corners or squares.
 The Design files in these sets have a built in quarter inch seam allowance.
 When you use the QI panels, you will straight stitch the panels together to make your project.
 - complete details are in the PDF document on how to use these design files -
 The "QI" Series is available in various Sizes. In some sets not all the sizes will be available, but will be in the sizes that are best suited for the design / or in the size that the set was requested.
 The QI sets can be mixed and matched with each other, as long as all the sets are in the same size

QI - Quarter Inch Quilt sets

Items: 121 of 21, per page
  • CCQ5114 - QI Filler Quilt Blocks Set 4 - 5.8x11.3 (150x290)  

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    There are 5 filler blocks in this set. 

    All five blocks are pieced blocks. Each pieced block is pieced and quilted in the hoop in one hooping. Using from three to 4 contrasting fabrics. Individually either one would make a great quilt when repeated, and when you combine them, they make for striking filler blocks in any given project.

    Please scroll down to see a quilt made from combining the panels from this set, together with other sets.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $25.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ5113 - QI Filler Quilt Blocks Set 3 - 5.8x11.3 (150x290)  

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    There are 5 filler blocks in this set. 

    All five blocks are pieced blocks. Each pieced block is pieced and quilted in the hoop in one hooping. Using from six to eight contrasting fabrics. Individually either one would make a great quilt when repeated, and when you combine them, they make for striking filler blocks in any given project.

    Please scroll down to see a quilt made from combining the panels from this set, together with other sets.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $25.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ5112 - QI Filler Quilt Blocks Set 2 - 5.8x11.3 (150x290)  

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    There are 5 filler blocks in this set. 

    All five blocks are pieced blocks. Each pieced block is pieced and quilted in the hoop in one hooping. Using from four to six contrasting fabrics. Individually either one would make a great quilt when repeated, and when you combine them, they make for striking filler blocks in any given project.

    Please scroll down to see a quilt made from combining the panels for this set, together with other sets.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $25.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ5111 - QI Filler Quilt Blocks Set 1 - 5.8x11.3 (150x290)  

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    There are 5 filler blocks in this set. 

    01 uses one fabric only. The other four blocks are all pieced blocks. Each pieced block is pieced and quilted in the hoop in one hooping. Using from two to five contrasting fabrics. Individually either one would make a great quilt when repeated, and when you combine them, they make for striking filler blocks in any given project.

    Please scroll down to see a quilt made from combining the panels from this set, together with other sets.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $25.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ5095 - QI Log Block Duo - 5.8x5.8 / 8x8 / 9x9

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    This set contains two types of log squares
    Square 01 is the Log Cabin Square
    Square 02 is the Courthouse steps square

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $29.00

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  • CCQ5056 - QI Log Block Window -  9.5x9.5 (240mm)

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    Pieced in the hoop, in one hooping

    the center window of the square is 4x4 inches, and can accommodate a 4x4 embroidery design

    Sq01 is the stitch and flip square

    Sq02 is the one fabric filler square

    Please scroll down to see a quilt made from this square.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $20.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0621 - QI Log Cabin Square - 8x8 / 9x9 / 9.5x9.5

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $25.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0615 - QI Criss Cross Quilt - 5x5 / 5.8x5.8 / 8x8

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    4 of the 01 Squares Joined - Creates the effect shown in the first stitchout

    16 squares joined can create any one of the last two examples, just be sure to use similar color values.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $20.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0607 - QI Whacky Quilt Square - (8x8)

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    To create a similar project as the one on display, you need to stitch 20 squares .

    Square 01 - Can Use up to 7 contrasting fabrics, provided in Cross Hatch Quilting in one color

    Square 02 - Is a one fabric square that can be used as filler squares, provided in Cross Hatch Quilting in one color

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $20.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0605 - QI Summer Garden Set 2 - (5x5 )/ (5.8x5.8) / (8x8) / (9.5x9.5)

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    12 of the D01 Squares Joined - Creates the effect shown in the first stitch out

    Please scroll down to see more details of the panels in this set. 

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $20.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0603 - QI Summer Garden - (4.7x4.7)/ (5x5)/ (5.8x5.8)/(8x8

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    4 of the XD01 Squares Joined - Creates the effect shown in the first stitchout

    16 squares joined can create any one of the last two examples, just be sure to use similar color values.

    Please scroll down to see more details of the panels in this set. 

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $20.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0601 - QI Double Square Star - (4.7x4.7)/ (5x5)/ (5.8x5.8)/(8x8)/ (9x9)/(9.5x9.5)

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    4 of the X01 Squares Joined - Creates the effect shown in the first stitchout

    16 squares joined can create any one of the last two examples, just be sure to use similar color values.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $20.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0598 - QI Ribbon Square -  5x5 / 5.8x5.8 / 8x8 / 9x9 / 9.5x9.5

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    4 of the X01 Squares Joined - Creates the effect shown in the first stitchout

    This set contains the pieced QI Ribbon Square, as well as a "plain quilted" square

    Each one is completely made in the hoop in one hooping

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $20.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0595 - QI Curved Log Cabin Square 2 - (8x8) / (9x9) / (9.5x9.5)

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    Have fun with strips of fabric and stitch this square

    16 of the X01 Square Joined - Creates the effect shown in the second picture

    The difference between this set's square and that of CCQ0594 - 

    is that this one uses more "logs", and this one is only available in the larger sizes

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $25.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0594 - QI Curved Log Cabin - 5x5 / 5.8x5.8 / 8x8

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    4 of the 01 Squares Joined - Creates the effect shown in the first and second stitch out

    The last two examples shows the amazing curved effects created by this square.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $20.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0529 - QI Cathedral (Orange Peel) Square - (4.7x4.7) / (5x5) / (5.8x5.8) / (8x8)

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    4 of the X02 Squares Joined - Creates the effect shown in the first stitchout

    In the second example, the outside quilting was skipped. 

    the 4.7(120mm) size set is suitable to use with Charm squares fabric

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $20.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0528 - QI The Cherri Tree Branch Quilt - (7.8x11.7)200x300mm

     (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance) 

    The panels are all straight stitched together on your sewing machine

    Please scroll down for a mock up example  on how to combine this set with designs from another set.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $35.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0520 - QI Friendship Braid Long Rectangle -  (5.8 x 14inch) 150x360mm

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    This set is great to use with Jelly Rolls.

    This Friendship Braid panel is provided  in one long length. A Stitch and Flip Rectangle , Pieced  and quilted in the hoop in one hooping,

    The panel is also provided where you can use just one solid piece of fabric , with the Star quilting running from edge to edge, starting at the top and ending at the bottom. Provided in regular and Bold Stitching.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $18.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0519 - QI Friendship Braid Quilt Squares-  (5x5) / (5.8x5.8) / (8x8)

    (QI sets - have a built in 1/4 inch seam allowance)

    The 5x5 and 5.8x5.8 squares are great to use with Jelly Rolls.

     A Stitch and Flip panel, Pieced  and quilted in the hoop in one hooping,

    The panel is also provided where you can use just one solid piece of fabric , with the Star quilting running from edge to edge, starting at the top and ending at the bottom. Provided in regular and Bold Stitching

    The pictures also shows two of the Friendship squares joined to each other, to create a longer length. You can add more squares to make as long a length as you need, And you can add as many rows as you need to make it wider.

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $16.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0519 - QI Friendship Braid Quilt Set- (5x9.7) / (5.8x11.3)

    The Friendship Braid panels are provided in 3 different lengths, A Stitch and Flip Square and two Stitch and Flip Rectangles.  Each one is Pieced  and quilted in the hoop in one hooping,

    The panels are also provided where you can use just one solid piece of fabric with the Star quilting running from edge to edge, starting at the top and ending at the bottom. These are provided in regular as well as bold stitching.

    The one picture shows the three Bold stitched panels joined to each other, to create a long quilted length

    If you only want the square - the squares on their own are available - click here to go to that page

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $25.00

    Not rated yet
  • CCQ0488 - Hexie in a Square and More -  (5x5) / (6.2x6.2) / (8x8)

    picture 01 shows 4 of the Stitch and Flip squares, using the "Q" design file (Q01)
    picture 02 shows 4 of the Decorative Quilting square, using the "Q" design files - done in variegated thread (Q02)
    picture 03 shows 4 of the Stitch and flip squares, using the "Q" design file (Q01) of the 160mm set - this will be made into a pillow cover for a little girl.

    My chosen project was to make a tote, made from the 5x5 set's "Q" design files of this set, but you can make any project of your choice.

     Please scroll down for more details about the panels provided in this set. 

    These are all Digital Embroidery Machine Design Files.

    You need an embroidery machine to use the design files in this set.

    • $20.00

    Not rated yet