Conversion Charts

Conversion Charts

The following conversion charts have been matched by hand. There are never exact matches, but we have chosen the best matches considering how they would look in the same design. A blank space means there is no suitable match. Please remember that monitors display colors differently. The best way to match threads is to have an actual thread chart for each brand. The RGB files were completed 11/30/2020,  It has the same colors as our new Thread Charts.  The file has.txt at the end.  If you use Artista or Wilcom, you will have to change this to .tch and put it in your RES folder.
Now I will start working on the conversion charts. 

Now available in SewWhatPro and will be in the next build of 

BFC Poly Charts (right click "save as" or "save link as")
 BFC Poly RGB PDF File
BFC Poly RGB text file download
Convert From BFC Poly ThreadConvert To BFC Poly Thread
BFC Poly to Admelody Rayon
BFC Poly to Admelody Poly
BFC Poly to Isacord
BFC Poly to Madeira Rayon
BFC Poly to Madeira Poly Neon
BFC Poly to Marathon Rayon
BFC Poly to Marathon Poly
BFC Poly to RA Rayon
BFC Poly to RA Poly
BFC Poly to Sulky
Admelody Rayon to BFC Poly
Admelody Poly to BFC Poly
Isacord Poly to BFC Poly
Madeira Rayon to BFC Poly
Madeira Poly Neon to BFC Poly
Marathon Rayon to BFC Poly
Marathon Poly to BFC Poly
RA Rayon to BFC Poly
RA Poly to BFC Poly
Sulky to BFC Poly

IMPORTANT: We had some colors that came to us mis-labeled.  I know this causes confusion when you receive your order. so...

If you order 2433 the cone you receive will show 3139
If you order 3139 the cone you receive will show 2433
If you order 3371 the cone you receive will show 3798
If you order 3798 the cone you receive will show 3371
If you order 3437 the cone you receive will show 3137
©These charts are copyrighted by BFC Creations
They are for your personal use. They cannot be sold or shared. But we encourage you to give others the link so they can download their copy. Thank you!






