BFC1993 Oval Frames
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BFC1993 Oval Frames

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You can use these designs to create ovals of different fabric for placemats, pockets or coasters.  As long as your design fits inside the hoop, you can use it to make your designs QIH (Quilt in the Hoop). There are plenty of basting stitches to use a special fabric or something like Angelina or to add batting and or backing fabric to your design.  

The designs go from a 4 inch frame to a 12 inch frame. They are marked with the size at the end of the file name. For example: BFC1993-07 is a 7 inch oval frame. The frames are a little smaller than the name shows to allow for the actual stitching area of your machine. If you have trouble with any of the frames, just send me an email. Be sure to tell me which size frame and your format. 

9 Designs 

  • $8.95

All of our machine embroidery  designs will come in any or all of the following hoop sizes: (You will receive links to download the size(s) you purchased and all formats available)
Small for 4 x 4 inch hoop, Medium  for 5 x 7 inch hoop, Large for 6 x 10 inch hoop, and Jumbo 8 x 12 inch hoop.

Each design description above will state the sizes the design comes in: S, M, L, J standing for Small, Medium, Large and Jumbo. These will be written SML, meaning Small, Medium and Large, or perhaps MLJ, meaning Medium Large and Jumbo, or even SMLJ meaning the design comes in all four hoop sizes

Formats Available:ART4, DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, JEF+(inside JEF download) PES, VIP, VP3(inside VIP download) XXX
If your format is not listed email us.

    • SKU

Product questions

  • katherine
    Sep 16, 2022, 08:32 AM

    When these frames stitch do they do a placement stitch first before the satin stitch ?
    thank you...

    Susan Makalinaw
    Sep 16, 2022, 08:36 AM

    Hi Katherine - they have several placement stitching - eve a zig zag to cover cut edges well. Each line is a speparate color so you can skip them if you want.
    Thank you - Suz

  • Diane Baranowski
    May 4, 2021, 07:23 AM

    What file extensions are available for the circle, square and oval. I apologize if I missed it in the email..

    Susan Makalinaw
    May 4, 2021, 08:09 AM

    Hi Diane - if you scroll down a little on the design page, you will see formats avaiable. Here it is for the frame sets:
    Formats Available:ART4, DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, JEF+(inside JEF download) PES, VIP, VP3(inside VIP download) XXX
    If your format is not listed email us.
    PS we automatically put all the formats in the links so you can download whatever you need. And go back to your account if you get a new machine and need a different format ::)

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