BFC2212 Rabbits in a Picasso Style
So many people enjoyed the Picasso Cats I thought that Rabbits might be fun too! I kept the same colors as the Cats because they seem very nice for Easter. But it would be easy to choose shades of grays or browns to make a more realistic Easter Bunny. The designs with both some eggs and a Rabbit might be a little too large for your hoop. If you have software you can use to edit a design, you could move the eggs a little closer of change the size of the whole design a little. They can also be used for ideas to create your own arrangements.
10 Designs each in 3 sizes. MLJ (see images below with exact info)
Design Information US Thread List with Conversions
Hurry, This Offer Expires in:
uilt. All of our machine embroidery designs will come in any or all of the following hoop sizes: (You will receive links to download the size(s) you purchased and all formats available)
Small for 4 x 4 inch hoop, Medium for 5 x 7 inch hoop, Large for 6 x 10 inch hoop, and Jumbo 8 x 12 inch hoop.
Each design description above will state the sizes the design comes in: S, M, L, J standing for Small, Medium, Large and Jumbo. These will be written SML, meaning Small, Medium and Large, or perhaps MLJ, meaning Medium Large and Jumbo, or even SMLJ meaning the design comes in all four hoop sizes
Formats Available:ART4, DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, JEF+(inside JEF download) PES, VIP, VP3(inside VIP download) XXX
If your format is not listed email us.