BFC31929 Lace Alpha A
I know a lot of people still like Free Standing Lace and even more like Alphabets. This is a sample of an alphabet I can create. I thought I would give you a free sample and would appreciate if you could leave your comments good or bad in the Review area of the design page for the A.
Product questions
Jun 3, 2023, 09:55 AM
I have the same problem - no link to the design after placing order.
Jun 3, 2023, 11:08 AMHi Debra, I just tried getting the A and I got links. Did you put it in your cart and checkout? No one has reported the problem wince I fixed it early yesterday. Suz
Jun 2, 2023, 07:43 AM
i just bought the B from this new lace font, but although i could download the B, i could not download the3 A. it shows in the invoice #238344. i would appreciate any help you could give me on how to get this letter. it really is beautiful!
Thank you
dorothy borden
djborden1@outlook.comJun 2, 2023, 08:22 AMI just emailed you the design. I had forgotten to make the link for A live. I'm sorry!
Customer reviews
Diane WilsonJul 4, 2023, 11:45 PMOh wow! This will be an asset to any project. BFC designs have always stitched up beautifully. I can't wait to stitch this out.
Gnara GreeneMay 9, 2023, 12:16 PMI Love lace and this font in lace is really fantastasic
Anne ImlerMay 7, 2023, 06:25 AMVery, Very pretty and elegant looking
polly bellMay 3, 2023, 08:49 PMThank you it"s so pretty
JoAnn NovakMay 3, 2023, 01:00 PMI love alphabets. I have made many alphabet quilts for the grandkids & for gifts for many others. They make a great quilt.
I will be giving this a try as soon as I finish cleaning my front yard.
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