BFC1433 Large Bouquet of Red Roses
A Rose is often considered the most popular flower. And red ones hold a special charm. This would make a beautiful picture or pillow in a bedroom - just choose a fabric that coordinates with your decor. They would also be pretty greeting guests in a front hall.
A Commercial size (8.4” x 10.0”) of the entire Large Bouquet of Red Roses Portrait will be included in the all sets.
FINISHED SIZE OF EMBROIDERY: MEDIUM: 5.7” x 10.6” , LARGE: 6.9” x 12.7”, JUMBO: 8.9” x 16.5”
3 Designs each in 3 Sizes MLJ Check Sizes
< Free design is the last image on the left.
Free Design Click to Download
All of our machine embroidery designs will come in any or all of the following hoop sizes: (You will receive links to download the size(s) you purchased and all formats)
Small for 4 x 4 inch hoop, Medium for 5 x 7 inch hoop, Large for 6 x 10 inch hoop, and Jumbo 8 x 12 inch hoop.
Each design description above will state the sizes the set comes in: S, M, L, J standing for Small, Medium, Large and Jumbo. These will be written SML, meaning Small, Medium and Large, or perhaps MLJ, meaning Medium Large and Jumbo, or even SMLJ meaning the set comes in all four hoop sizes
Formats Available: ART3, ART4, DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, PES, VIP, XXX
If your format is not listed email us. <we can not produce SHV format>
Select a sizeComplete (all sizes below), Medium (for 5x7 inch hoop), Large (for 6x10 inch hoop), Jumbo (for 8x12 inch hoop)
Product questions
Aug 13, 2017, 12:49 PM
I love the roses but would love to put them in yellows. Could you tell me what the thread colors would be in metallic?
Aug 20, 2017, 06:06 AMHi Sue- I am very sorry for the delay in answering- I will see what I can do but please give me a couple of days- Thank you
Hi Sue- as far as the metallic we no longer have any golds or yellows in stock- if you want to change to yellows you can substitute them with the following: 2306-2413, 2303-2410, 2295-2380, 2287-2414, 2275-2390, 2271-2371, (the reds being the first #- the yellows the 2nd)-
Thank you