BFC1614 Flora - Bare Trees in Winter
These make up the first Library set in the Flora Category. Our Library sets are designed to give you a resource for all kinds of projects, Art Quilts and Embroidered pictures. This set comes in 4 sizes - SMALL through JUMBO, 15 designs in each size. You can group the trees, or use one large one as an accent piece. There are no jumps. Several of the designs have the same tree in all one color and in several colors. I did these separate so I could eliminate all the jumps. You can see an example below shown on the Sunset Background also in our Libraries Category. Experiment with different colors of Black, browns and grays. I used a light brown or gold on the top of the multi colored trees to show the light hitting them. They would even be pretty for certain projects stitched in metallic gold or silver.
15 Designs each in 4 sizes SMLJ Check Sizes
All of our machine embroidery designs will come in any or all of the following hoop sizes: (You will receive links to download the size(s) you purchased and all formats available)
Small for 4 x 4 inch hoop, Medium for 5 x 7 inch hoop, Large for 6 x 10 inch hoop, and Jumbo 8 x 12 inch hoop.
Each design description above will state the sizes the set comes in: S, M, L, J standing for Small, Medium, Large and Jumbo. These will be written SML, meaning Small, Medium and Large, or perhaps MLJ, meaning Medium Large and Jumbo, or even SMLJ meaning the set comes in all four hoop sizes
Formats Available: ART3, ART4, DST, EXP, HUS, JEF, PES, VIP, XXX
If your format is not listed email us.
Select a SizeComplete (All sizes below), Small ( for 4x4 hoop), Medium (for 5x7 hoop), Large (for 6x10 hoop), Jumbo (for 8x12 hoop)
Product questions
Jul 6, 2018, 12:15 PM
Is it possible to get just single trees from the bare winter trees collection? Or do you have to buy the whole collection?
Jul 6, 2018, 12:29 PMHi Esther - I will eventually make these singles I think, but it's too busy right now for me to separate them. Keep an eye out for when new Singles are added.
thank you - Suz